On our way back east we hit nasty frozen fog from Amarillio through Oklahoma. We finally stopped for the night. The pic to the left is from a Walmart parking lot. I hope this guy got his car open! We missed the storms back east and have been really lucky in our travels heading back west. We had absolutely
no fresh snow and the roads were nice and dry...except through Wyoming going into Salt Lake City. I wanted to turn the truck so badly to the south when we hit Cheyenne and the sign said, 108 miles to Denver....it was a tough turn not to make!

We have been getting better at getting our rythym down and things have been working much smoother this past week than in week #1. This job is very challenging at times and I am glad Jeff and I have had an opportunity to work together in the past and learn how to communicate effectively. Of course, some days are better than others, but for the most part we seem to be holding things together well and haven't
been late on a load yet.

I have had a request for more photos. (Groovy bridge in Ohio
to the left) The only opportunity I have had to take photos with my camera was in St. Louis. I have some arch pi
cs that I will upload when I have a chance, but for now, these have all been taken on our handy dandy iphone...how did we live without this thing for so manyyears previously???

Salt Lake is beautiful an we hit a perfect day. As far as driving and passes. I accomplished coming into Salt Lake City from Wyoming at night. Utah doesn't believe in posting too many signs about grades in the road or curves either for that matter. In Colorado you see a sign and know how big the grade is and how long itmay be. Utah...you better hold on, cause whatever is around the corner is what is next. I don't see great at night, but have been getting better and more confident in my abilities to drive the truck and stay on the road in the dark!

(photo: The Salt Lake)
Jeff drove over Donner pass yesterday from Salt Lake to
Modesto, CA. This pass is right after Reno, NV. It was dry...thank you Lord...but this pass has to be the longest pass EVER. It just keeps going down and down and down on the California side. Once you hit the summit, we saw a sign that said 40 more miles to the bottom with 7%, down to 6% and then 4% grades. It
seemed like forever, but we made it through. We have heard horror stories about this pass and Jeff kicked ass and took no prisoners! I would not want to cross this one in a storm, but I know eventually the chains will have to be put on and we will have to make it happen.

(driving right through the Salt Lake)
As I digress...our trip into Ohio was beautiful. I had no idea how pretty this state was. We followed the highway all the way down the Ohio river and it was gorgeous. Passing many a power plant
and I think a nuclear plant as well.

(foliage in Georgia) (bridge in Tennessee) (the Ohio River)
The only tip I have on food at the moment is we saw a place in Nevada that was open 24 hours a day and they sold donuts and chicken teriyaki bowls. Yes, thats right. Very strange combination, but I spose you could stop for lunch and grab a bowl and then get a dozen to go for the next day. Needless to say, the truck kept rolling.
I have to go finish up paperwork, but before I total up the miles for the last couple weeks, my estimate is around 6,000 miles. These last two weeks have been such a blur, but I tried to fit in some interesting sites. We wanted to see the country and we are doing just that. Sometimes it is in the dark, but we are covering a lot of miles quickly. Things are good.
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