This is Craig, our range instructor, talking with Jeff. To his credit I believe, next to my husband, is the most patient man in the world! He has never raised his voice at me and if it wasn't for him, I don't think I would have made it as far as I have. He is always helpful and gets my sense of humor, or lack there of when I am frustrated. Kudos to Craig. I got my first, you did a great job today from him yesterday and it made me feel very proud.

Jeff worked on Alley-backing and was frustrated at first, but by the end of the day seemed to have a pretty good feel for it. That is my next range assignment on Saturday....oh boy, can't wait. Any way you stack it, range time is backing time and 8 hours of range time is exhausting. Not only physically, but mentally as well. Trying to make sure you are doing everything right all the while shifting and turning the wheel completely one way and then the other. Our muscles are better after this session but our old joints are a little achy. Our hot tub has been the best investment we have ever made. Not only does it feel dynamite on our achy bods, it also makes you sleep like a baby. When you have to be out on the road or the range by 6 am, you need all the sleep you can get. Yes that's right, we have been at school by 6 am, which means we have to leave the house at 5:15. I'm not sure who is more confused, our dogs or us.

This is Jeff coupling up the truck, something we do on a daily basis. this is when you back your tractor and hook it to the trailer. Once that is complete you lift the landing gear on the trailer and hook up your lines to the trailer so you have breaks and power to the trailer. This is becoming a no-brainer at this point which is good because we will be doing this many times in one day. We have been very lucky in the weather department and are not looking forward to executing this maneuver when it is cold and snowy, but I don't thing we will have any choice.
We go on the road today again for 8 hours and then have range time on Saturday, then mountain driving on Sunday. Until then we hope you all have a great Thanksgiving and enjoy your time with your family. Thanks for listening.
- Jeff & Melissa
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