I would like to welcome Pal & Jo to Waggoner's. We met them through friends that read this blog, Robert & Regina Lopez, who worked with us at another trucking company. Big shout out to them for hooking us up. Both Pal & Jo only had a year's experience driving, but after many lengthy phone conversations they decided that they wanted to give flat-bedding a try and chose to go with Waggoner's. Normally Waggoner's requires two years of experience before they will even consider talking to you. However, Pal is very persuasive and they turned in their truck in Irving, TX on a Friday and drove across town and started orientation with our company the following Monday. After orientation they headed to OKC and we helped train them on how to load the deck and how to strap the loads for the entire week we ran to OKC. They also rode with our city drivers in OKC for a week to get even more experience. I am proud to say that they took their first run to Canada last week and did an awesome job. They will now be running with us on our dedicated account from Denver to OKC. They are now flatbedders! Both are great people and we are so proud to have them on our Team.
Secondly, we would like to welcome old friends of ours, Ken & Deb Olsen. They have come from our first company that we ever worked for, Watkins and Shepard. They are both million miler drivers...score! They completed their orientation in OKC where we got to have dinner with them one night while we were in town. It was brief, but always good to catch up with them and share grandbaby pics. They are also expecting a new addition to their grandbaby clan and are very excited for the new arrival. Ken & Deb live in Boulder, MT. They will be running from Houston to Canada on a weekly basis. What a great addition to Waggoner's. I know they will make us proud. The bonus is now we will get to see them more often.
Why...you ask? We will now be running strictly from Denver to Midland, TX for the same dedicated customer that we have been going to OKC with for the last 9 months. We tried the rotation of the runs, but with our HOS (hours of service) aka logbooks, it just didn't work and we started running out of hours for the driving week. We got to pick our run and chose
Midland, just for the change of scenery. We will miss going to OKC and home away from home and all of the new friends we have made, but this should give us a lot more home time in Denver on this run.
I believe that all things happen for a reason and we are looking forward to our new route and routine.