Me being bored, Montana sunrise and Destin, FL |
This last week was a tough week because we arrived back in Denver and our load was ready to go back out for the week. No home time, which really equals, no laundry...So...off to Georgia we went! We made it to our first delivery in 34 hours, which was in Atlanta @ 6 am on Tuesday. Before we pulled into the guard shack we both heard the truck make a strange sound. We made it through the guard shack and backed into a door...now thats dedication. Our belt broke that runs the fan to the motor, and in the interim come to find out later, also cracked the hub. All this just equates to me, no truck and a trailer full of deliveries...SWEET! So in rolls the rental truck, which I am only going to touch on slightly, and out goes Miss Betty on a tow truck to the shop. Mind you, we have moved clothing, water, dog and dog supplies, bedding and shower stuff all into the rental within 30 minutes...and off we go to our next delivery. Now keep in mind that in a Team driving situation, ultimately one of you is supposed to be driving, and the other one is supposed to be sleeping...yeah right. I took the first sleeping shift and Jeff made a couple of deliveries. Our next delivery wasn't until Wednesday @ 6 am, so Jeff pulled into a truck stop for the night so I could shower and he could get some sleep. By the time I showered it was already 2 am. I had the best breakfast of homemade biscuits and gravy at a Chevron I have ever had! I get back into the truck with an anxious London, Jeff is sleeping and he is bored in a truck he is not very comfortable in, so I stay up in the drivers seat with him a few hours and decide I gotta get some more sleep while I can. This is the part where the rental truck comment comes in....I literally take 1 step to get to the coffin type sleeper bed and fight for my space with London. I felt like we were all packed into a sardine can. But that didn't last long because it was time to get up and make deliveries in 3.5 hours anyway. We make our 6 am and 3 other deliveries, have time for a meal outside of the truck, and before we leave GA for the night we get to pick our truck back up....move everything, again and be in Pensacola, FL by 6 am the next morning. I'm sorry but whoever says truck drivers aren't Super Heroes are just wrong.
Destin, Fl |
Our only delivery for the day was in Pensacola so we decided to drop down to Gulf Port and take a drive along the 98 which follows the coast all the way to Panama City. It was a beautiful drive and a great afternoon. We then headed all the over to the Atlantic side to Jacksonville for the next days delivery and made two more that afternoon until we were empty.
Fall Color along our Route |