Wednesday, September 28, 2011

So Good

We got out of Denver on Monday afternoon this week. What a difference a day makes. Got into our first delivery in Jessup, MD at 1 am on Wednesday. We have made all of our appointments so far and have taken a shower and down for the night in likey. We are only 12 miles from the best crabcakes I have ever had, but can't shake this 53' trailer this time around.I think we are picking up ice cream in CT on Friday and heading home, but we don't have our pick ups yet.

We were only home for about 12 hours this weekend, but since we got out at a reasonable time we should be back on Saturday this week. Of course, I say all of these things and make a plan in my head, but until the box in the truck lights up and tells us where to go....its still a mystery.

We have next week out and then we will be off for another nice week at home...hopefully with a new grandbaby.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Nice Week + Weekend

Last week went pretty well on our Florida run. We were on schedule despite the late departure and made all of our deliveries without having to inter- line them. Had nice weather and got to stop twice during the week, actually stop and sleep/ shower and enjoyed a good BBQ place we discovered. Our pick-ups went smoothly and even rescued a solo driver who couldn't make it back to Denver from Nashville in time with 9 pallets, which filled up our truck completely.

We got into the Denver terminal Sunday afternoon and got into our new car for the first time and drove home. We get home and both of our boys and the new wife are making us a steak dinner with all the fixins. It was awesome! We got to spend the evening with them and sleep in our own bed...for two nights. I'm telling you what, for the first time since we decided to drive a truck, this was the closest to a 'weekend' we have had. I got some shopping done, bills paid and some quality time with the family. We are both relaxed and each of us got a 34- hour reset.
Left yesterday at noon and are now in Ohio ready to make deliveries. I have been up since...9 pm last night, just had a great breakfast. I see a pillow in my future...zzzzzz

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

I-24 @ Paducah, KY...closed

So, we leave out of Denver late...not until 22:30 on Monday. Making great time until the 24 eastbound came to a stop. All traffic diverted off the highway. A dump truck ran over 2 four- wheelers, dont believe either one survived.  This is the part of the job I don't like. However, this is the first time in two years an interstate has been closed on us, other than nasty weather. So now the mad scramble to either get around it or wait out the storm. I had 8 semis following I knew where I was going! I pulled into a convenience store that allowed me easy exit around the building. Jeff and I both walked in to use the facilities and ask about how to get back on the interstate...after the accident. The cashier, maybe 21 years old, blond pixie cut hair with her ends dyed hot pink, tats all over her and the customer, young girl in her 20's, capris, clean shirt, no shoes. I have to admit, I pre- judged in my head..but these two girls were angels. They not only gave us directions back to the interstate, they also told us about this yummy Mexican food restaurant on the way...with enough room for our truck to park. I grabbed London and took him for a brief walk through the hood. By the time I got back to the truck, the shoe- less one had asked Jeff where I went to cause it wasn't such a great neighborhood and she was worried about me wondering around. She took off in her car looking for me to make sure I was safe. We stopped and had an awesome dinner and with perfect directions made it back safely onto I-24.

This is why I love my job. Who knew in Paducah, still meet good people with good hearts. Have faith America, there are still great people in this world.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Enjoying Home Time

Its been nice to be home this week. We finally purchased a car, which we haven't had in almost 2 years, and got quite a bit done at the house....including relaxing!

We are expecting our first grand child next month, its a boy. Someday we will another girl in this scenario. I guess I did gain a daughter-in-law, so that is one more for our side! Next weekend we will get a visit from them..looking forward to it!  Next week we are off to Florida again. Lets hope it will be better than the last trip. The weather is supposed to be in the 90's all next week.

Jeff and Diesel

Many Have Asked...

A lot of our followers have asked how our dog London came into our lives. It was in March of this year and we were still working for Watkins and Shepard.
Stopping at a weigh station in London, KY, hence his name, it was pouring. Jeff came out and the dog walked right up to him and sat down at his feet and let Jeff pet him. The weigh master had just shut down the scale and came running over to him and said, "Ive been triyng to catch that dog for 4 days now, what did you do?" Jeff just shrugged his shoulders and said... "nothin'"! He told us that we should take the dog because if not, he would just get runover and he would be cleaning him up. That didn't sit well with either of into the truck he came. My first thought was, what did we just get ourselves into? He was full of ticks, fleas and had a horrible case of the worms. We got him to the vet several times. I highly recommend Petsmart Banfield. We have been to at least 5 different facilities from Lakewood, WA to Conover, NC and it has been very convenient to have all of his files in one place even when we are not.

He is now healthy and happy. He is pretty well-behaved in the truck as long as he gets his walk every day. But when we get home, look out, he is all Beagle!

Monday, September 5, 2011

Florida Run

This week was such a bad week. We left 48 hours late and was pretty much expected to make up the time...gee I wonder how it turned out. Frustrated, that pretty much sums it up. The best part of our trip was the 3 lbs. of fresh shrimp I brought home, haven't cooked it yet...and a pound of ground gator meat. We were told they make good burgers. I will follow up this week and let you know.

Got into Denver this morning and are headed to Billings, MT then back to Denver for our week off....we both are looking forward to some relaxation time away from this job.