Friday, October 1, 2010

Shades of Fall

I would love to be able to show you pics from PA or even I-70 in Colorado, however, both of these places were driven in the dark. I imagined how pretty the colors would have been. Maybe before the snow flies we will be able to make it back to both places in the daylight....I will share.

These pics are all in Montana. From Helena to Great Falls.

Our Lady of The Rockies - Butte, MT
This statue which is 90 feet tall sits on the mountain overlooking the Butte Valley. It was erected by a man, Bob O'Bill whose wife was dying of cancer. He had prayed to the Virgin Mary to let his wife be cured from the cancer. He promised Mary that if his wife was cured
he would build a statue in her honor on his property. Well...his wife made it through the cancerand he started erecting the statue. Many people in Butte became involved in the proj
ect and decided to make the statue on a bigger scale. It is made out of concrete and as I said sits 90 feet, almost as big as the Statue of Liberty.

When passing through Butte, MT you cannot help but notice this bright white statue up on the mountaintop. It is truly majestic and makes Butte, MT a stand out city.

All for now, but should have more fall photos coming soon.

Sad Day....

This is truly a sad day, my Baby Girl Isabella has passed away. She was eleven and was truly the best dog I ever had. She will truly be missed. It doesn't seem a reality, but I know when we return home again it will be. We just saw her last weekend and she was happy. She died in her sleep on her favorite rug in front of the swamp cooler....just as we all wanted it to happen. We are now down to only one puppy dog, Sampson. He is a golden and fourteen years old. It is hard when your dogs get old. You know the inevitable is going to happen. My best advice for anyone with a pooch is to enjoy every moment you have with them and give them all your love and the best care you can. When their time comes, you know that they had the best life you could give them and they were spoiled rotten. That is all that you can ask of being a good doggie mom and dad.

Here is a pic of our old man dog Sampson. Happy and spoiled as well. One of our boys takes care of our dogs at home and has been such a life-saver. He has been fantastic at taking care of the house and our puppies. We appreciate everything he does for us.