This is a the biggest Jesus I have ever seen. It is in Ohio along the Interstate 75 and is as tall as a 10 story building. It is really cool looking whether you are a religious person or not.

We finally got the opportunity to drive down to Florida. Here is a pic of the Florabama ocean . Did not see any oil, but I hear it is not looking good for this coast.

This is the Tennesse River which we have probably passed at least 8 times so far. Very pretty and I got to catch it on a nice clear day.

Our loads are always ready at about midnight or after coming out of California. This week we had the opportunity to start our run during the day. This is a pic of the CA/AZ border just after Needles. We have passed this probably 10 times since we have started driving and this was the first opportunity to see it in daylight. The only thing I knew about the bridge we crossed over before was that the speed limit changed from 55 to 65 (which is a great thing!) But who knew how pretty it was...now we do!
I have finally found the last thing to put on our bucket list. While driving through Indiana I saw a sign for: The Vacuum Cleaner Museum. No, I'm not kidding...this really exists. First of all, before I offend anyone, who in the hell would want to go to a vacuum cleaner museum? I just don't think I will run out of things to do before I die before I make it to this museum.

We spent my birthday in Dalton, GA...out of the truck in a hotel room with a king size bed that wasn't moving. It was fantastic! Thanks for all of the birthday wishes from everyone. I forgot my phone charger in the truck so by the time I got back to my phone for our load out to Ohio at midnight I got all of your messages. We went to Western Sizzler for a free birthday meal, it was yummy. I guess I am old cause resting and eating was just fine with me :o )